
About the Forum

Ecumene: Global Financial Forum is an expert platform for discussing key issues of long-term sustainable development of the world economy, harmonization and improvement of the financial agenda, development of new approaches to the implementation of the main objectives of the Paris Agreement. Each year the results of the Forum’s intensive discussions are presented at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP).

A series of meetings is held within the platform of the Ecumene Discussion Club, which is launched in order to develop ideas discussed at the Ecumene Forum and to create an expert community interested in receiving and exchanging relevant information about significant events in Russia and abroad.

In the season 2022 — 2023, 37 expert meetings were held, with more than 250 speakers participating in the discussions, a total reach of announcements and publications amounts to 525,000, and total amount of online views to 450,000.

The Forum’s Mission

is to include Russia’s position in the global agenda of sustainable development.

Welcome Addresses to the Ecumene 2023 Delegates



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